Shipping Facts
coffee de la sierra shipment FER-1500 Consorcio APICAFE, El Salvador to Cube Microplex, UK
import costs: purchase & freightgross
Attempt to trade coffee from the Consortium of Coffee Growers and beekeepers in eastern El Salvador (APICAFE), who have formed a consortium to face the challenges of commercialization and market access. Sample sent but the flavour could not match the San Pedro area coffee
Feral Trade (Import-Export) is a grocery business trading over social networks. Feral Trade runs freight using the spare baggage space of friends, colleagues and passing acquaintances; for product requests or courier offers contact
feral trade since 2003
Shipping Facts
coffee de la sierra shipment FER-1500 Consorcio APICAFE, El Salvador to Cube Microplex, UK
import costs: purchase & freightgross
Attempt to trade coffee from the Consortium of Coffee Growers and beekeepers in eastern El Salvador (APICAFE), who have formed a consortium to face the challenges of commercialization and market access. Sample sent but the flavour could not match the San Pedro area coffee
Feral Trade (Import-Export) is a grocery business trading over social networks. Feral Trade runs freight using the spare baggage space of friends, colleagues and passing acquaintances; for product requests or courier offers contact
feral trade since 2003
Shipping Facts
coffee de la sierra shipment FER-1500 Consorcio APICAFE, El Salvador to Cube Microplex, UK
import costs: purchase & freightgross
Attempt to trade coffee from the Consortium of Coffee Growers and beekeepers in eastern El Salvador (APICAFE), who have formed a consortium to face the challenges of commercialization and market access. Sample sent but the flavour could not match the San Pedro area coffee
Feral Trade (Import-Export) is a grocery business trading over social networks. Feral Trade runs freight using the spare baggage space of friends, colleagues and passing acquaintances; for product requests or courier offers contact
feral trade since 2003
Shipping Facts
coffee de la sierra shipment FER-1500 Consorcio APICAFE, El Salvador to Cube Microplex, UK
import costs: purchase & freightgross
Attempt to trade coffee from the Consortium of Coffee Growers and beekeepers in eastern El Salvador (APICAFE), who have formed a consortium to face the challenges of commercialization and market access. Sample sent but the flavour could not match the San Pedro area coffee
Feral Trade (Import-Export) is a grocery business trading over social networks. Feral Trade runs freight using the spare baggage space of friends, colleagues and passing acquaintances; for product requests or courier offers contact
feral trade since 2003